U.S. Rep Will Hurd | File photo
U.S. Rep Will Hurd | File photo
U.S. Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas) is advocating for the restoration of Comanche Springs.
“Comanche Springs at one point in time produced 30 million gallons per day of surface flow in the Chihuahuan Desert,” Hurd wrote in a post on his website. “With help from the federal government, Texas can take on the largest springs restoration project in history, and we can create a future of water abundance for Fort Stockton and its regional neighbors.”
In the post, Hurd said the restoration would help create 72 permanent jobs and generate $4 million in non-local spending per year.
“Comanche Springs, after 70 years of running dry, started to flow last decade,” Hurd stated in the post. “With help from the federal government to complement the efforts of our state and local municipalities, we can help restore these incredible springs.”
Hurd has requested support for the Comanche Springs restoration from the U.S. Department of the Interior.